Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end …

OU cover

July 21 will be my last day at OrderUp. After a very, very tough deliberation process, I decided that this is the time for me to embrace a new opportunity. (I’ll talk more about that in another post; I want to give OrderUp my full love here.)

Me and Dana, my partner in crime
My first company party. What a horrible, horrible day after.
My first company party. What a horrible, horrible day after
The day that Justin Forsett popped by the office
The day that Justin Forsett popped by the office

Almost two years ago, the two founders of OU took a chance hiring me to run the company’s PR and comm. I had a proven track record but was new to the startup world — and wow, did I get a crash course. The first month, I was terrified that I was going to be fired any day because the pace was so quick. I worried that I couldn’t keep up.

One of the most fun nights -- the night before the acquisition was announced
One of the most fun nights — the night before the acquisition was announced
When you sell your company, you get a unicorn
When you sell your company, you get a unicorn

I dug deeper. I put everything into promoting the company. I worked evenings, weekends, traveled to new markets, and chose to “embrace the crazy,” as Heather Whaling advocates.

In Chicago w/some of my gals
In Chicago w/some of my gals
Bye Michael
Bye Michael

We hired a ton of people; my favorite headline is still: OrderUp hires everybody. This team is truly remarkable. They’re some of the funniest, kindest, smartest people I’ve ever worked with. I laugh every single day. (I also eat and drink with them a lot, which is an added perk.)

And then JO ate pie
And then JO ate pie
At the Pratt Library Black & White gala
At the Pratt Library Black & White gala

After two years, I’ve learned a lot about what I want in my career and a working environment. It’s hard to imagine an office without a casual dress code, co-workers lounging in a hammock, beer in the fridge, and music playing. I know that I need autonomy and the ability to run with my ideas. It’s so important to me to be a part of building something, and I’m so grateful for the experience.

Celebrating my birthday with the team in Chicago!
Celebrating my birthday with the team in Chicago!
Birthday shenanigans
Birthday shenanigans
Awesome opp to have CJ on a Light City U panel
Awesome opp to have CJ on a Light City U panel

I learned how to keep really big secrets, about being a woman in tech, the importance of knowing and playing up your strengths, that I’m too old to throw down that hard, how to convince an athlete to take part in a pie-eating contest, that I should really be a life coach, and — as a wise man once told me — people invest in the team.

On the river in Chi-town
On the river in Chi-town
Pedal tour of Fells drinking spots
Pedal tour of Fells drinking spots

I’ve had one of the best teams.

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